Transcript – Principal Ángel Gática – Statistics
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Transcript – Principal Ángel Gática – Statistics

In my case and in the case of many teachers, we found this pandemic was very likeable because a large amount of the data that people requested was data that we worked on daily, you know? Mainly with the department heads. We kept statistics about the students who started the 1st year and finished school in, say, six years, and we also prepared a statistic about retention, and about the difference in the population of the basic and upper years. And one of the tools, one of the indicators, at that time we felt it was going against the grain, and it has led us to implement certain tasks.

I’m talking about what I was telling you before: the length of time. For instance, the Egresar [Finishing School] program, which was introduced now and is being carried out by the General Administration of Schools together with the Ministry of Education of Argentina, is something that we had been running for some time in connection with the follow-up of students that had graduated. In 2013 or 2014, out of 180-190 students who left school, nearly 70 or 80 didn’t finish the 6th year having passed all the subjects. This led us to start to run workshops on Saturdays and Sundays so they could sit exams for the subjects not yet passed, and these workshops were not only for students that had a problem between the 1st and the 5th year, but they were also attended by students that had finished secondary school already.